Apr 20, 2023

Is your gift card program pulling its weight?

is your gift card program working?

When you get right down to it, it’s simple: it costs you money when your gift cards run out of stock. After all, people can’t buy what isn’t on the shelves! So, how can you use great merchandising to turn a sad, empty gift card display into the always-stocked, always-selling powerhouse of your sales floor?

In Flawless Merchandising, we break it all down: what merchandising is, how to do it and why it can make such a big difference. Download the ebook to get the details and tips that make a difference-no matter how big your space.


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Want more info on merchandising and the gift card opportunity?

• Infographic - Presentation Drives Sales

• Infographic - Does a Trillion-Dollar Gift Card Market Get Your Attention?

• eBook - A $1.6 Trillion Opportunity: Why You Can’t Wait to Launch a Gift Card Category