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Aug 16, 2023

Webinar— Unlocking B2B Channels

With increased competition in the market, many brands are looking for ways to unlock B2B channels as strategic sales levers and growth drivers for their business.

This 45-minute webinar will cover the 4 quadrants of consumers within the ecosystem and how customers can transition to consumers.

To help you unlock growth, Will Feutrill, RVP, AU Incentives at BHN is hosting a live webinar filled with information—for connecting with customers. We will cover:

  • Shopper insights
  • How gift cards can improve customer retention
  • Increasing sales with gift card
  • Connecting with consumers
  • How customers transition to consumers
  • Q&A


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Featured Speaker

speaker for B2B channels webinar

Will Feutrill, RVP, AU Incentives Blackhawk Network (BHN)
Having joined Blackhawk from PwC, Will focuses on the role gift cards play as an incentive in the customer lifecycle and how they can be efficiently delivered through BHN’s enterprise software platforms to unlock customer driven growth for his clients. Will is also the President of the Australian Gift and Prepaid Card Association.


Talk to BHN

When you’re ready to start building or growing your gift card program, click here or call 1300 883 667.