eBook: Promotions and the Power of Gift Cards

How much power do gift cards really have?

This much: Merchants running holiday promotions using gift cards earn an additional 37% in annual revenue.*

Learn How to Put That Power to Work

As a partner that powers hundreds of promotions each year on behalf of its clients, Blackhawk Network understands the power of leveraging gift cards in promotions. We put much of that expertise into this free eBook to help merchants understand the compelling benefits of and best ways of using gift cards in promotions.

Download this eBook and take a deep dive into:

  • Proven gift card promotion types
  • The impact of promotions during the holidays (or anytime)
  • Most effective promotional levers and controls

Download Promotions and the Power of Gift Cards today. 

Or, if you’re ready to put that power to work for you right now, call 866.219.7533

* CashStar analysis

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