Apr 18, 2023

Video: Gift Cards by the Numbers - 2023 Australia Merchant Gift Card Program Evaluation by NAPCO Research

The 2nd annual comprehensive benchmark study of 50 Australian merchants’ gift card offerings across 150+ criteria is complete. Conducted by NAPCO Research in partnership with Blackhawk Network (BHN), the resulting numbers from this robust, in-depth, industry-leading effort can help any company optimise its gift card program, no matter how large or small. In this live webinar, topics will include:

• About the research - importance and methodology

• Australia 2023 key findings and results

• Top takeaways for brands

• Live Q&A


To watch the video, just fill out the short form on this page.

Read the full NAPCO report here.



Kieran Nolan
Senior Director, Commerce
Blackhawk Network

Mark Phillips
Director, Marketing Communications
Blackhawk Network

Joe Keenan
Editor-in-Chief of the Retail & Travel Group