post holiday gift card usage trends
Feb 27, 2023

Infographic-2022 Post-Holiday Survey Insights: Our Gift to You

2022 US holiday research video

Consider this your first gift of the 2023 holidays-shopping and gift card insights from the BHN 2022 post-holiday survey. Happy holidays!

See the full Infographic version free here


Holiday shoppers

    Holiday shoppers went for the deals

      - 70% purchased gifts on sales, deals or discounts
      - 51% of their total Holiday shopping budget was used on sales, deals or discounts


Online shoppers

    Holiday shoppers bought more online

      - 48% of consumers said they did more holiday shopping online in 2022
      - 50% of those said it was to pick up available deals or promotions


Multi-brand gift cards

    Multi-brand gift cards moved up in preference
    2022 rankings of holiday gift cards purchased:

      1.  Single brand gift cards: purchased by 74%
      2.  Multi-brand gift cards: purchased by 33% vs 27% in 2021
      3.  Mastercard or Visa prepaid cards: purchased by 31%


2022 US holiday research video


Retailers will get more dollars

      - 78% plan to spend more than teh value of their gift cards (nearly doubling last year's 47%)
        And they plan to spend about $75 more!
      - 58% plan to use their gift cards in the first two months of 2023
      - 23%said at least one of their gift ard gifts was for a new brand for them


What shoppers want

    Gift cards for returns, too

      - 20% will be returning holiday gifts
      - 81% of them want to exchange for gift cards


After a year or two being stuck at home, Americans have adopted more digital technologies more quickly than ever. They’ve changed how they shop, how they pay and how they get things delivered. What about how they buy gift cards on holidays? Find out more here:

     - Holiday budget checklist
       - Holiday gifting report
         - Holiday eBook