visa card
Jun 18, 2023

Heads-up: January 19 is Get to Know Your Customers Day

Long-distance romances, old friends, and marketing professionals all have one thing in common: they know that keeping in touch is the best way to build a relationship. To give us extra reasons to check in and say “hi,” we celebrate Get to Know Your Customers Day a few times a year. Get to Know Your Customers Day takes place quarterly, and the next one is coming up on January 19, 2023.

The beautiful thing about Get to Know Your Customers Day is that reaching out is always effective, no matter where your customers are in their journey. Whether someone has just heard of your business and is still researching their options, or they’re a long-time customer who hasn’t shopped with you for a while, it doesn’t matter. Reaching out always helps build, reinforce, or reinvigorate that relationship. Take Get to Know Your Customers Day as a quarterly reminder to get your brand in front of customers, share some knowledge, or just share a joke or funny anecdote.

At a loss for something to say? Announcing a promotion is always worth talking about. Promotions can be ideal for drawing in customers during slower times of the year-like the slump after the winter holidays but before big gifting occasions like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

According to our research, the most effective promotion you can run is powered by rewards. Promotions that offer rewards are more effective than those offering discounts, driving more business and higher redemption rates. If the rewards are part of an organized loyalty program, that’s even better.

In fact, our research shows that customers appreciate gift cards and rewards throughout their journeys. They’re just plain useful: use them to apologize for a problem, replace a broken product under a warranty, or even as an incentive to try out a new service or to move a specific piece of merchandise.

On January 19, reach out. Say hi. Announce a promotion. Send out some gift cards to say ‘thanks for your business’ or just to make your customers’ day. Whatever you do, don’t let silence slowly drive you and your customers apart.

Check out our research-based infographic, Customers Like Reward Cards Throughout Their Journey.