Case Study: Endless Inventory and Choice with In-Store Digital Gift Cards

OXXO partnered with Blackhawk Network and became one of the first merchants in the world to use our new ScanIt™ gift card scanning solution.

That means their customers are some of the first in the world to have access to endless gift card inventory and choice. By simply scanning a QR code in an OXXO store, they can easily buy a digital version of their gift card and walk out happy.

OXXO Gift Card Category Manager Kenya Våzquez got what she wanted:

“We wanted a more digital and modern solution
that wouldn’t give our customers the bad experience of not finding
the card they were looking for in our gift card display.”

To read the OXXO case study, just fill out the short form on this page.

Then, if you want to start building your own case study, call 866.219.7533 and talk to Blackhawk Network.

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