Sep 09, 2022

eBook: Speeding up payments to people in need

97% of people are currently compromising and cutting back on what they buy, in order to make ends meet.

More than ever, people in poverty are relying on emergency welfare funds disbursed by local authorities to put food on the table, heat their homes and pay their rent. For some time, these funds have been used to provide intermittent support as needed - but recent world events have led to a cost-of-living crisis resulting in unprecedented numbers of people falling into poverty.

Getting funds to those in need quickly, and in a way that’s easily accessible, is vital.

At Blackhawk, we’ve seen an increase in local authorities choosing voucher schemes and prepaid cards over traditional payment methods such as cash, cheques and BACS.

This eBook summarises the findings of proprietary research commissioned by Blackhawk to understand how alternative payments meet the needs of the recipients and support a cost-effective, efficient disbursement process for local authorities.