Jul 31, 2019

Hawk Incentives Wins IMA 2019 Circle of Excellence Award

The Incentive Marketing Association (IMA) Circle of Excellence Awards recognize outstanding examples of impactful incentive programs, products and services. We’re proud to announce we have been named this year’s “Employee Incentive Program” winner alongside GoPivot Solutions, LLC and KeHE Distributors, LLC.

Here’s the skivvy:

KeHE created a safe driving program for its professional trucker driver employees aimed to:

  • Decrease accidents, incidents, or violations
  • Increase positive indicators of safe driving (e.g., successful roadside inspections)
  • Decrease negative indicators of unsafe driving (e.g., hard brakes)
  • Make safety incentives more meaningful and top-of-mind

The new safety program replaced an underperforming, existing program which awarded company truck drivers with a year-end cash bonus for accident- and incident-free driving. The all-or-nothing cash bonus was failing to engage drivers due to the low frequency of reward delivery. And the cash itself wasn’t well-received since its value was added to truckers’ taxable incomes.

To overcome these challenges the new program—launched by GoPivot Solutions—incented and recognized safe driving, accident free driving, and positive behaviors as they happened each day. Company trucks were equipped to measure and track data from truckers’ activities, helping immediately correct or reward behaviors. In near real-time, truckers could receive points for positive behaviors, or de-merits for negative behaviors. These reward points were easy for truckers to track, weren’t taxable, and provided powerful daily motivators.

Here’s where we come in. Truckers redeem their points from an online rewards mall which offers multiple reward categories, including physical and virtual gift cards. The choice of reward rests with each employee. They can decide if they want to save their points for a higher-value gift card or redeem quickly with more frequency. A full one hundred percent of employees chose to participate in the program, with 88 percent of truckers eligible for rewards choosing to redeem points for a closed-loop gift card. These cards are offered in denominations of $25, $50 and $100 from a selection of major retailers and have been a huge hit among recipients.

The results? KeHE saw a 13 percent decrease in accidents and incidents since the program was launched, a 15 percent decrease in unsafe driving behaviors and a major increase in program engagement. With the professional truck driver shortage at an all-time high, this program is now serving as a valuable hiring and retention tool in addition to encouraging safer driving.

If you’re looking for ways to create or manage your own incentive or reward program, drop us a line and let’s chat.

For more information about our big win or to access the full list of award recipients, click here.